Step1: Install python on Windows/Linux or run ‘Network Automation Appliance’ on GNS3 which has pre-installed python & Paramiko Step2: Install Paramiko Install Paramiko apt-get update apt-get install python -y apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev -y apt-get install python-pip –y apt-get installpython-dev # You may need to install this as well pip install cryptography pip install paramiko Step3: To verify is Paramiko is installed or not: >>> import paramiko >>> print paramiko.__version__ Step4: Configure router for SSH Hostname SW1 Int gi0/0 ip add No sh ip domain-name crypto key generate rsa 1024 bits enable password cisco username rachit password cisco line vty 0 4 login local transport input all Step5: Make sure you are able to ping Network Automation device. Step6: Below Python script to run on GNS3 Appliance – Network Automation. Script will make SSH connection to device and configure loopbacks, OSPF protocols with Vlans
import paramiko import time ip_address = “” username = “rachit” password = “cisco” ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh_client.connect(hostname=ip_address,username=username,password=password) print “Successful connection”, ip_address remote_connection = ssh_client.invoke_shell() remote_connection.send(“enable\n”) remote_connection.send(“cisco\n”) remote_connection.send(“configure terminal\n”) remote_connection.send(“int loop 0\n”) remote_connection.send(“ip address\n”) remote_connection.send(“exit\n”) remote_connection.send(“int loop 1\n”) remote_connection.send(“ip address\n”) remote_connection.send(“exit\n”) remote_connection.send(“router ospf 1\n”) remote_connection.send(“network area 0\n”) remote_connection.send(“exit\n”) for n in range (2,20): print “Creating VLAN ” + str(n) remote_connection.send(“vlan ” + str(n) + “\n”) remote_connection.send(“name Python_VLAN ” + str(n) + “\n”) time.sleep(0.5) remote_connection.send(“end\n”) time.sleep(20) output = remote_connection.recv(65535) print output ssh_client.close |